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Nuclear Safety Account

The Nuclear Safety Account (NSA) has most recently financed the Interim Storage Facility 2 (ISF-2) and the Liquid Radioactive Waste Treatment Plant (LRTP) at Chornobyl in Ukraine. Established in 1993 at the behest of the G7, the account aims to provide safety assistance to countries operating Soviet-designed nuclear power plants. Over the years, the EBRD-managed fund has successfully executed urgent nuclear safety improvements in power plants in Bulgaria, Lithuania, and Russia.

In 1995, the NSA expanded its activities to Ukraine, initially focusing on funding nuclear safety and security projects at unit 3 of the Chornobyl nuclear power plant, the last operating reactor at that time. Since 1998, the fund has concentrated on constructing two crucial infrastructure projects: the Interim Spent Fuel Facility (ISF-2) and the Liquid Radioactive Waste Treatment Plant (LRTP).

Contributors to the NSA include Belgium, Canada, Denmark, the European Union, Finland, France, Germany, Italy, Japan, the Netherlands, Norway, Russia, Sweden, Switzerland, Ukraine, the United Kingdom and the United States. Additionally, Azerbaijan has made a donation.

 As of end-2023, the NSA had received over €440 million in total. The EBRD itself contributed €235 million from its own resources to support the construction of ISF-2.